Research focus and expertise

Research focus and expertise

Research at BF2I is focused on the comprehension of the functions managing the interaction of specific insect pests (aphids and weevils) with their direct biological partners (host plants and symbiotic microorganisms). Research approaches are multi-disciplinary thanks to the different expertise of the staff members.

The central theme of our research is to understand the relationships established between insects and their symbionts elucidating the molecular mechanisms that allow the establishment, maintenance and persistence of these complex interactions in multiple insect generations.

The final goal of research on these complex biological interactions, often involving multiple partners in interaction with the environment, is to identify tools and define new concepts for an integrated approach for plant protection against insect pests. Our research results are to be central for the development of agricultural practices that are sustainable, and respect both the environment and human health.

© Pea aphid photography Stephan Borensztajn

Research Themes

  • Symbiosis and Immune Signaling (SymSIm team)
  • Functional Genomics of Trophic Interactions in Symbiosis (SymT team)
  • Insect Engineering (InEn team)

Technological Watch Groups

  • Genomics and Bioinformatics (leader: N. Parisot)
  • Metabolomics and Protein production (leader : P. Da Silva)
  • Imaging et Microscopy (leader: S. Balmand)

Research Skills

  • Insect physiology
  • Insect bacterial symbiosis
  • Molecular and cellular biology of insects symbiosis
  • Analytical biochemistry, proteins structural analysis and modeling
  • Microscopy: cellular and molecular imaging
  • Genomics, bioinformatics and statistics
  • Masters degree and PhD Schools Affiliations
  • « Ecosciences, Microbiology » Master’s degree, University of Lyon
  • « Evolution, Ecosystems, Microbiology, Modeling (E2M2) » Doctoral School, University of Lyon


Research focus and expertise - 01/05/2024

Faits Marquants Département SPE INRAE 2023

Les travaux de la thématique SymSIm sélectionnés parmi les faits marquants INRAE du département SPE pour l'année 2022

Research focus and expertise - 12/13/2023

La communication est la clé d’une cohabitation durable

Les membres de la thématique SymSIm viennent de déchiffrer le dialogue moléculaire entre le charançon des céréales et sa bactérie symbiotique. Cette découverte a fait l’objet d’une publication dans la revue scientifique Microbiome le 13 décembre 2023.

Research focus and expertise - 06/11/2023

Détecter le mildiou grâce à l'apprentissage automatique

A travers une poignée de pixels l’équipe de Pedro Da Silva a réussi à détecter le mildiou de la vigne deux jours avant l’apparition des symptômes. Des résultats qui ouvrent de nombreuses perspectives en matière de réduction d'usages de fongicides.

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